そして今年、COVID-19が大流行した2020年は期の初めから、ゲームショーのみならず のショー、ペットショー、アニメコンベンション、コンサート、スポーツイベントなど、大勢の人が集まるあらゆる種類の大イベントがキャンセルとなりました。代わりに、独立系のソロアーティストから大規模な業界イベントまで、多くの人がオンラインストリーミングに切り替え新規参入しています。
そういったこともあり、今年TGS Onlineが9月24日~27日に開催されたとき、私の中では期待値は高かったのです。
ありとあらゆる方法で、この絶好の機会を完全に無駄にしてしまいました。イベント開催告知の足りなさ(業界内の知人の多くはTGS Onlineが開催されることさえ全く知らなかったようです…)やスケジュールが二転三転したことだけでなく、参加した多くの企業は新しいタイトルを全く発表せず、ほとんどがオンラインパネルに古いフランチャイズタイトルや開発者の歴史についてのディスカッションを議論を埋め込むだけという、ノスタルジックな形に戻ってしまいました。
TGS Onlineは、日本のゲーム業界が復活に向けた最善手を打ち、彼らがこの先何を世に送り出せるのかを示す絶好の機会でした。ですが残念ながらその機会を取り逃がす結果となってしまいました。
Tokyo Game Show Goes Digital
Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is over for another year. I’ve gone to TGS (usually held at Makuhari Messe) every year for about 2 decades now. It’s been interesting to see the event grow and evolve over the years although not all of the changes have necessarily been good. Since two of TGS’ four days are open to the public, it’s always attracted a lot of visitors on those particular days, but with each passing year the crowds have gotten bigger and the lines longer.
Last year it had gotten to the point that popular games such as Capcom’s Monster Hunter World had a minimum 3.5hr wait time. Even indie or unknown games often had wait times of 45mins to an hr. The event was slowly outgrowing its venue – crowds were so thick that it could take 30mins just to walk from one end of the hall to the other – despite the fact that there were fewer games on display each year.
Many larger game announcements were happening at Los Angeles’ E3 in June, so by the time TGS rolled around in September, all that was often left was a rehash of previous announcement or hands-on demos with games that were due to be released soon. The hype and anticipation surrounding the event was gradually diminishing and this was reflected by fewer overseas media outlets sending reporters to cover it.
Which brings us to this year. 2020. The year of Covid-19. Trade shows the world over have been largely cancelled since the beginning of the financial year. Not just for videogames, but for any sort of show where large crowds congregate – car shows, pet shows, anime conventions, concerts and sporting events. Many, from independent solo artists to large industry events, have taken the plunge into online streaming.
Singers and music festivals have been experimenting with livestreaming performances across various platforms, some renting out empty live houses and others performing from their living rooms, monetizing them with a mixture of online viewing ticket sales and merchandise.
Other events, particularly ones related to anime and videogames, shifted to a free streaming format, with varying degrees of success, realizing that any opportunity to promote upcoming products was better than none at all.
While not being able to hold TGS as usual was regrettable, this situation presented the Japanese videogame industry with a unique opportunity. Being stuck at home due to Corona, more people have been turning to videogames as a form of entertainment this year than ever before.
By June, software sales in the US had increased by approx. 30% year-over-year and sales of each of the major hardware platforms increased by at least 46% despite a brand new generation of consoles being on the horizon. Naturally, the pandemic has impacted game developers as well, with work on many larger games in particular supposedly being hampered due to developers not having the equipment they need to be able to work from home, but over the last 8 months many companies have reportedly adapted to these new working conditions.
So when TGS Online was held from September 24-27, expectations were high. For the first time in years the event had the potential to reach a truly global market and build hype for products and brands on a scale seldom possible. Even if many games were in early development or years away from being released, all they needed to do was announce new games, hype them up, and provide interpreters or subtitles for overseas viewers.
And they totally botched it. Completely squandered potential opportunities in every manner possible. Apart from a lack of marketing (many friends I’ve spoken to didn’t even know TGS Online even existed) and confusing scheduling, the majority of companies announced no new games at all, with many falling back on the cushion of nostalgia by padding their online panels with discussions of old franchises and developers’ histories.
Even worse still, since most of these were apparently unscripted, providing translations for an international viewership seemed to be an afterthought. Some panels had a single translator attempting to interpret in real time for 3 to 5 panelists at once. The result was chaotic. The handful of panels that had actual subtitles were full of errors and were obviously rushed.
TGS Online was the local gaming industry’s chance to put its best foot forward and show the world what it could do. And it failed miserably. If an actual TGS had been held with this little content and poor quality it would have been the worst TGS in the 2 decades I’ve attended. It was a failure on practically every level will have to make a considerable effort to regain its previous prestige and relevance next year. Let’s hope it can successfully do so.