(写真:プレステ公式ブログ( https://blog.ja.playstation.com/ )より):
さてでは 今週は少し過去から離れて、今人気のソフトなどについて触れたいと思います。
ではこのジャンルや構造は、「ゴースト・オブ・ツシマ」に合うのでしょうか? スーパーヒーローとしてニューヨークを振り回したり、武士としてツマシの畑や山を駆け巡るのとでは大きな違いがありますよね?
これはつまり、ゲームがより馴染みやすく、複雑な戦闘システムを覚えることよりも、島を探検したりとても美しい風景を見て回ったりといったことをもっと楽しむことができることを意味します。ですから、 先程触れたスパイダーマンをプレイした人にとってみれば、このゲーム構造を身近に感じるでしょう。
This week I thought I’d take a break from looking back at the past and talk about something from the present for a change. With many people still working from home (please stay safe everyone!), videogame software and hardware are selling better than normal for this time of year. More people have more time stuck inside at home and are playing more games, it seems.
Looking for something to play? Well, the big game that everyone is talking about this week is Ghost of Tsushima on the Playstation 4.
This game has been garnering attention not only because it’s a western-made game set entirely on the island of Tsushima during the Kamakura-Era, but also because it received a perfect 40/40 score from Famitsu Magazine. Let me put that score into perspective. I’m sure that everyone knows Famitsu – it’s been a part of growing up for many of us and is still read by kids and adults today. Personally, my Thursday evening routine isn’t complete unless I stop by 7-11 on by way home from work to see if they have the latest copy. While the magazine has changed publishers several times, it’s been reviewing games for 34 years. But did you know that in all that time, Ghost of Tsushima is only the third western-developed game to receive a perfect score? Interestingly, all three games have been open-world genre, and I think Famitsu sums up Ghost of Tsushima’s genre best when it described it as an “Open-World Jidaigeki”.
The “open-world” genre is one in which western videogame developers tend to excel. The genre gained popularity with the release of “Grand Theft Auto 3” on the Playstation 2 in 2001 due to the freedom it gave the player to go anywhere and do anything. In the almost 2 decades since then, dozens of game developers have refined the genre’s gameplay mechanics and added their own unique spins. Practically every sort of setting imaginable has been made into an open-world game at some point – crime drama, gang action, Vikings, zombies, science fiction, ancient Rome, westerns, Mafia, post-apocalyptic, pirates, Triads, superheroes first-person, third-person – and the genre has evolved into a common and popular one with well-established gameplay and structure. Recent popular open-world games are highly polished and tend to restrict themselves to one area – often a large city or an island. These include games such as 2018’s Spider-Man (Famitsu: 36/40). In fact, the game structure of Ghosts of Tsushima will feel very, very familiar to anyone that played Spider-Man.
So, does this genre and structure fit Ghosts of Tsushima? After all, there’s a big difference between swinging around New York as a superhero, and galloping across the fields and mountains of Tsushima as a samurai, right?
Actually, the difference isn’t as big as you’d think. The map is a similar overall shape and is also broken down into main quests, sub quests and collectables just like many other games in the genre. This means that the game feels familiar, allowing the player to focus instead on learning the intricate battle system and, more importantly, just wander around the island of
Tsushima and enjoy how beautiful everything looks. The game’s visual aesthetic is absolutely stunning. Influenced by classic jidaigeki movies, especially those by the late great Kurosawa, Ghost of Tsushima doesn’t try to create a world that looks real but rather a world that is the way you remember classic movies looking in your mind. Everything looks like it was colored and framed for a movie – and if you don’t like your jidaigeki too colorful, there’s even a “Kurosawa filter” that turns the entire game black and white.
Ultimately I think that Ghost of Tsushima’s legacy will be a visual one – images from it will remain in player’s minds long after they’ve forgotten the plot – the same way one fondly remembers a good movie years after seeing it.