– この新しい家庭用コンソール(PS5)は誰のためにありますか?
Who is Sony’s PS5 really for?
Welcome to our new entertainment and technology column. Here we’ll be introducing the latest in entertainment and tech news or whatever else is on this columnists mind.
This week, there’s really only one thing on many people’s minds – the Playstation 5.
If you follow videogames, technology or entertainment, you probably noticed that last Friday Sony finally unveiled their upcoming Playstation 5 hardware.
For 75 minutes, viewers were dazzled by announcement after announcement of new and upcoming titles, culminating in the reveal of the look of the actual hardware itself.
It was a good start to Sony’s upcoming marketing blitz for their latest hardware which is due to release towards the end of the year, but it left many important details unanswered.
For me though, the real questions started before the presentation even began.
Sony, apart from being one of the few Japanese companies that’s still an international household name, is a name that has been synonymous with quality Japanese videogames for a quarter of a century. Its products represent Japan and Japanese videogame culture, so the announcement of a new flagship piece of hardware is kind of a big deal.
Despite this, the presentation was broadcast at 5am Japan Standard Time on a weekday.
Sure, the stream could be watched at any time afterwards and numerous news outlets summarized its major points in the hours that followed, but anyone in Japan wanting to view the presentation live had to deal with a very early morning before presumably heading off to work with less sleep than usual.
While they were obviously prioritizing international markets and timezones, this was not very accommodating on Sony’s part.
Then came the lineup.
Of the 25 games announced by Sony during its presentation, only 5 appeared to be from Japanese developers. The decreasing presence of Japanese publishers on home consoles has been an increasing trend for years now. Only 3 of the PS3‘s 15 launch titles were from Japan. Looking back, Japanese developers also accounted for 7 of the PSP’s 24 launch titles or, even further back still, a whopping 15 of the PS2’s 29 titles.
So to anyone familiar with industry trends, the comparative lack of Japanese titles in Sony’s presentation probably came as no surprise, although anyone who grew up with the brand who might now be in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or even older may have felt a little left out.
And this feeling would have been magnified by the lack of the sort of titles that are popular here in Japan. There was not a single JRPG in Sony’s lineup. Similarly, Capcom had no new Monster Hunter and Bandai Namco had no new Gundam title. In fact, there were no licensed anime games at all. Not a single one.
So the question that I found myself asking was – who is this new console for? Because at this early stage, it doesn’t seem like it’s for Japan – the country that originally created it.
And somehow that thought makes me a little less excited for this new Playstation than I’ve been for previous ones. Something seems lacking somehow.